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At Metweld we continue to invest in the latest machinery, The AMADA HFE3i & HRB series 130 tonne hydraulic drive press brakes, the 3i series features new additions to improve productivity with the ability to fold up to 3 meters in length.


The Amada press brakes can work direct from your 2D and 3D cad drawing to reduce set up time and allow folding to your exact requirements.

Radius (Step bending)

Ability to fold small and large radius with the latest Radius punch tool and bottom dies, Step bending is an option to still reach your requirements if tooling is not available. Both options will give you a nice smooth finish.

Safety Return (Dutch Folding)

In house tooling to create a 'safety edge' the bent edge is smooth and rounded which helps strengthen the edges of thinner materials.

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